Entry By : Eric
Country: New Zealand
Subject: The World Busker's Festival
Date: January 21 , 2006

We're back in Christchurch again after spending 4-5 days making a loop out to the west coast and back. We're here for the first couple of days of the 13th Annual World Busker's Festival. A 'busker' is a street performer. Seems Christchurch has a very high number of them, and the regional Arts Commission has embraced them and helped sponsor the festival which draws performers from all over the world. There are many from the US, Australia, even an amazing juggler/mime from Sweden.

The Festival officially kicked off Thursday evening, but Friday was the first full day of performances. There are squares and plazas all around the downtown area that are designated for performances. The daytime shows are all free, but each performer passes a hat around afterwards, and people do seem to give pretty generously. They realize that many of these people have flown halfway around the world to perform here. The Arts Council pays the air fare, but we think that's all.

I did get some photos of the juggling, but it's pretty hard to appreciate how talented these people are without seeing them live. With some of the juggling photos, just try and count how many objects are being tossed. If you ever have the chance to attend a street performers festival (or see some on the street where you visit) do it, pay attention and give a little change, many of these performers are really talented!

Today we went to see one more act before we got back on the road again. The Blackstreet Boyz from LA were performing. They been invited to the festival for the last four years, and apparently they love coming here. In fact, they don't generally do street shows any more, but enjoy this so much they come here each year to perform.. Photos don't do them justice, so I have lots of video. If you are 'really' interested, let me know and I'll figure out a way to get it posted so you can see it. The files are huge, so it may take some time for downloads.

One final item ... yesterday Fiona took us to a couple of watering holes in Christchurch. One was an old favorite of hers, the other was a recommended place that took a while to find. The first was called 'The Twisted Hop'. A refurbished old brick industrial looking building. Hmmmm, think they brew beer here? The beer was pretty tasty, with most of it served on nitro taps. A nice balance of hops. We did discover one beer that was very much like home. It turns out that Emersons ( my personal favorite brewer in all of New Zealand) makes a special brew that is American Pale Ale (APA) and it was as close to a Northwest beer as I have had since we left home. Hoppy flavor, aroma and finish, and just a kick-butt beer. We will be in Dunedin (where the brewery is located) next week and I plan to drink a few of these while I'm there. Wonder if Belmont Station or John's Market knows how to get in touch with them? The second bar we visited was called 'The Bicycle Thief' and it was a bit more upscale, but had Emerson's Bookbinder Bitter on tap. I must admit, last night I missed Portland for the first time on the entire trip. Probably because I was reminded of what it was like to wander between a few pubs and taste good beers again.

Until next time, don't take your eye off the ball,

Eric & Val



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